Vaccination Requirement is for any Dog or Cat that comes onto the facility for any service.
No Dog or Cat will be accepted without vaccination certificates currently valid for the following:
  • Rabies
  • Distemper (DHLPP/DA2PP)
  • Bordetella
Cats must have Rabies Vaccination, Feline Leukemia (FeLv) and FVRCP Vaccination to be boarded.
Please ask your veterinarian to indicate on the certificates the expiration date for each vaccine as there is some variation between veterinarians as to the length of time each vaccination is valid.
SELF-ADMINISTERED VACCINATIONS ARE NOT ACCEPTED – ONLY Veterinarian dispensed vaccinations can be accepted. Vaccination requirements are strictly enforced and though we do send out periodic alerts prior to vaccination expiration it is the responsibility of the pet owner to assure current vaccinations. The Kennel sponsors a low cost vaccination clinic monthly and you can call in for dates and times.
We wish to stress that we sanitize the facility twice per day, inclusive of sanitizing the beds and all bowls.  We stress constant hand washing by staff as they are constantly handling one Pet then another.
This is a major reason we provide all that your Pet needs as to beds and bowls as we can sanitize the types of beds and bowls that we use and do not have to be concerned about maintaining an optimum level of cleanliness.
If you wish an exception we are always happy to discuss the specific needs of our Pet so we can work to do what is best.

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Call RSK Today! 928-754-3006

985 Airpark Dr, Bullhead City, AZ 86442

Text Only Contact: 909 997 4143

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